The Total Money Makeover

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🎯 The Book in 3 Sentences

💡 Key Takeaways

  • Take responsibility for your finances: You are in control of your money situation and have the power to make positive changes.
  • Control debt: Debt is not a tool for prosperity and should be paid off as soon as possible.
  • Build an emergency fund: Having a reserve of money for unexpected expenses can provide peace of mind and prevent financial setbacks.
  • Invest for the future: Investing in retirement accounts and stocks can help you build long-term wealth.

✏ Top Quotes

Ignorance is a major hurdle when it comes to handling money.

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

A paradox of wealth is that it makes you more of what you are.

📝 Summary + Notes

1. The Total Money Makeover Challenge

  • You and only you have the responsibility for your money situation.
  • Winning at money is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge.
  • You need to have the will to change.

2. I’m Not That Out of Shape: DENIAL

  • How many days can you survive if you lost your job today?
  • You have to act to make things better.
  • You need to be financially smart. Informed about where your money is, how much you actually have, and what you actually need on a monthly or annual basis.

3. Debt Is (Not) a Tool: DEBT MYTHS

  • Debt is not a good tool for prosperity.
  • One of the best ways to lose a friend is to loan him money.
  • Buying a car drives you away from financial wealth.
  • Credit cards lead to debt. Use only debit cards.

4. The (Non)Secrets of the Rich: MONEY MYTHS

  • The rich don’t have secrets. Everyone can be rich.
  • Real estate, knowledge, and canned soup all are better hedges than gold against a failed economy.
  • The best real estate investment is a house.
  • Put a priority on money planning.
  • Using cash makes you spend more wisely.
  • Have insurance (health, life, etc.).

5. Ignorance and Keeping Up with the Joneses: TWO MORE HURDLES

  • Most millionaires live in middle-class houses, drive paid-for cars that are two years old or older, and are just as likely to buy blue jeans at a discount store as fancy clothes.
  • Millionaires are very bargain-conscious, and they frequently wait for items to go on sale.
  • You must not care about your image of others.

6. Walk Before You Run: SAVE $1,000 FAST

  • Make a monthly budget.
  • Know in what category each dollar (euro, etc) you spend goes.
  • If you are with someone, you have to agree on the budget.
  • Create an emergency fund and don’t touch it.

7. Lose Weight Fast, Really: THE DEBT SNOWBALL

  • To build wealth, you have to control your income.
  • Debt is the enemy of your income. It keeps you from becoming wealthy.
  • First, pay your smaller debts.
  • Stop borrowing.
  • Cut unnecessary expenses.


  • Have 6 months of expenses in an emergency fund.

9. Be Financially Healthy for Life: MAXIMIZE RETIREMENT INVESTING

  • Invest 15% of before-tax gross income annually toward retirement.
  • Invest in stocks:
    • Growth and Income (Large-Cap, Blue Chip).
    • Growth (Mid-Cap, Equity, S&P Index).
    • International (Foreign, Overseas).
    • Aggressive Growth (Small-Cap, Emerging Market).
  • The author assumes retirement to be at the age of 65.

10. Make Sure the Kids Are Fit Too: COLLEGE FUNDING

  • Don’t spend a lot of money for your kid’s college and don’t go into debt for that.


  • Never take more than a fifteen-year fixed-rate interest mortgage.

12. Arnold Schwarzedollar, Mr. Universe of Money: BUILD WEALTH LIKE CRAZY

  • If your bills are paid . . . you are giving what you feel you should give . . . you are invested for retirement to the degree you want to be invested . . . you have no debt . . . why not have fun?
  • Until you have more than $10 million invested, keep your investing very simple.
  • Always manage your own money.
  • Build a team of advisers: Estate-Planning Attorney, CPA or Tax Expert, Insurance Expert, Realtor, and Financial Planner.


  • Wealth and “stuff” is not the answer to happiness, emotional well-being, and spiritual maturity.

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